built with HTML5 and Sass
This is a frontendmentor.io project that retrieves and displays the planetary data from a local JSON file. It was built using React and styled-components. The code and live application are hosted on github!
My Experience
This frontendmentor project was another great exercise for React and styled-components. Please use the link to the application to check out the planets in our solar system and the multitude of styling elements in this application. In particular, the styling on the navigation bar is different on the mobile, tablet, and desktop resolutions.
With this project, I wanted to build another React application and become more comfortable with managing state and other React hooks. I really liked how I managed the state for the current planet and current category (Overview, Internal Structure, and Surface Geology). By putting those states into their own context providers, it was very simple to consume that information where it was needed (instead of prop drilling).
Overall, this was a really fun project and would recommend it for anyone wanting to use a framework like React.